Advanced Digital 2


The premise of this project was to create a logo for a film studio called Advanced Digital 2 that would be based out of Arizona.

I started by coming up with at least 200 sketches.

Some are just tweaks to other designs, some are just fonts, but a few came to stand out better than others.

You can view all of them here.



After making the 200 designs, I chose between a handful of which I wanted to create digitally.

Most of which included animals, since AD2 was supposed to be an animal filming company.




I ended up choosing and tweaking #165.

If you can’t already tell, the bottom left triangle is a fox.

You may have to turn your head to see it.

I liked this design because it was simple to make.

If I were to choose another thought, I would try and digitize one of the harder animal designs I made.

Return To the Project

One day when I was looking over some of my old work, I saw this project.

I decided to try and design another one of my drawings that were more difficult.

This is how it turned out.